Friday, September 24, 2010


to live journal. :)


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

To Be continued...

to be continued...
Originally uploaded by SuzySarabok
This was originally a photograph i took of the old UPMC Children's Hospital being torn down...but I decided that it needed to be a comic book. I feel that it's much more affective and emotional in this way. It is one of the many in a series of pieces for my AP Art assignments that parrallel various aspect of abnormal psychology.
This one in particular is depression.
It looks kinda like a drew it...and man I wish I had...but I'm really not that cool.
So wattya think?

Blog Neglect & A Rant

Dear Blog,
Sory for the neglect. I'm sory it hasn't been a two way street between us. Boyfriends and such...and summer...caused me to be preocupied.

Dear Person,
I am on the yearbook staff. Since freshman year I have been working my butt of to earn the title of "the yearbook photographer." I am balancing AP Art and Yearbook to continue to be the yearbook photographer...I've worked late hours and make countless designs and bent over backwards for this staff. DONT go around calling yourself a "yearbook photographer." You were never on the staff... You've take what, like a few pictures for us. Suck it up. Your photography is only art....and nothing more. I'm sorry that I thought of the idea of being an art student and a yearbook student before you. Suck a dick. Get over yourself. If anyone deserves the right to call themeselves a photographer and they are not on the staff, it is our highered photographer. Oh and Scott, because he actually did take really awesome pictures. I'd give more credit to your camera than to you...
I took better pictures with a sony snapshot that you took with a 600 dollar nikon. I was just starting to have some respect for you... but you blew it. Nice going asshole.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

rambler (photo isn't mine)

Originally uploaded by alxmrtn
this isn't my photo it's alex martin's, but i decided to blog it because this is my yearbook! it's my favorite one so far (i'm on staff)
it's my baby. I put so much into this book, and I can't wait for next year!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ethical Considerations for the 21st Century

Originally uploaded by SuzySarabok
The title of this blog, is probably the reason I've been neglecting my posts.
With the end of the year comes the symposium! It's something we do to replace our final. This year I was the photographer, one of many, but the main one because I invented the position last year.
Most of the photos were typical coloring, candid, the kind of stuff I use for yearbook, but I thought this one, even though it was candid was interesting, the people in it are fake posing for a picture, but laughing about it while working.

I thought it really captured the nature of laughing, and having fun. Just sympathizing with the people in the picture, makes me feel happy, and giggle a litte. I hope it had the same affect on you too.

Comments would be fabulous.

Welcome April

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Fill In the Gaps

So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Almost a month in fact, Because a lot has happened.


He happened. Davis. We’ve been dating since March 15th. So I’ve been distracted.

But anyways this is a blog to fill in the gaps. 

Gaps like:

1.  The rest of my vacation.

IMG_3045 IMG_3058IMG_3042 

2. The pictures I’ve taken since my last post and My Birthday Pictures

IMG_3205 IMG_3198

3.  And songs I have an addiction to recently:

Skinny Love- Bon Iver

Crash Into Me- Dave Mathews Band

The Way I Am- Ingrid Michelson

Samson- Regina Spektor

That Time- Regina Spektor

Take it Off- Ke$ha

All the songs on the “Our Endless Numbered Days” Album by Iron and Wine

Any Song by Mika